Saturday Haul and a chat

I was on my platform snapping for this blog and an interesting group chat opened, a couple avatars needed help and so they received a ton of great help and information and it came to my attention that new residents really do need fashion help from body to heads to skin, to understanding BOM and advx.

We oldbies know and we struggled at first as well. But one avatar wanted someone else to do all the work for them, OR at least that was my takeaway. They , the group, offered outstanding information and links to help, but this avatar sounded like it was just 2 much work. You have to do the work on your own, you can ask and get help BUT no one person can do the actual work for you.

I have no idea how many or if any new residents read blogs. Maybe new residents need a folder in the LL library for suggestions on where to start, some links, info and maybe every info hub could use a link to the second life university tutorials. I don’t know what the answer is I am just aware there is a glitch in the matrix somewhere.

Now to the shopping haul! 🛍️ 💸

Don’t miss this !!

Grabbed these beautiful earrings from the anniversary gift box at UBER Event. Gift from Heartsdale Jewellery.

Teleport to Uber
Teleport to Uber Cam Sim 1
Teleport to Uber Cam Sim 2

ED. Riuka Kupra Red

This sexy little dress is a group gift from Shiny Shabby Event. This event is loaded with really awesome things. Visit before it’s over !

Slack Girl

I love fun packaging!!

Just beautiful !


Inside of head pack you will find 8 colors shade of this makeup.
And a Socket applier for ADVX to match the makeup.


Sold by SlackGirl Visit The Store

On Sale at “Off-line” in about 20 colors !

Klaire Set – 16 Solo purchase colors / 28 colors Fatpack

Rigged for Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, Legacy, Kupra and Reborn.

OG. Palm_Poses @ Tres Chic

has individual poses, pose stand and phone.

Posepack comes with:

◦ 6 Poses and all are in mirror 2.

◦ Posestand

◦ Props are included!

◦ Notecard with backdrop / props

◦ Notecard with info

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